Madrid Like a Local: My secret places + Tapas Crawl – Private Tour

One day enjoying the city lifestyle at places only locals know about

Tour Duration: 4 hours 30 minutes
Spend the best time having a real Madrilenian day. Surrounded by locals, trying Spanish traditional food, some walking around the most authentic neighbourhoods, learning cool facts about the Spanish culture…sounds good, doesn’t it?

What can you expect?

  • This tour will give you the real/true Madrid. A mix of stories and anecdotes of the spots we walk by topped with a delicious tapa or a tasty hot chocolate with churros, which I personally love. Moreover I’m a Chef & wine expert: quality gastronomic experience guaranteed!
  • We’ll go into typical streets, markets and stores only locals go and do some walking around the day-to-day Madrid.
  • You won’t miss Essentials such as Plaza Mayor, Puerta del Sol, Royal Palace and other key sites on Madrid’s must-visit list. And as a traveller said “He is extremely knowledgeable and he told us many interesting stories, along with the history of Madrid, all without bombarding us with wordy historical facts”.


Engaged? Don’t hesitate and join me in Madrid for a memorable day!

Madrid Like a Local City Tour


The tour commences with a welcoming presentation, providing an engaging and updated perspective on the historical aspects of Madrid. We begin our journey in the vibrant Retiro neighborhood, where we’ll admire iconic landmarks such as the Crystal Palace and its verdant gardens. Continuing onwards, we’ll explore the Prado area, known as the art triangle, encompassing the Cibeles Center, Gran Vía, and Canalejas Center.

Our route then leads us to the National Theatre Square, once home to artists and playwrights. We’ll visit Debod Temple, before delving into the rich history of Madrid under the Hapsburg dynasty. Highlights along this route include Plaza de la Villa, Plaza Mayor, the Royal Palace, Almudena Cathedral, San Ginés Church, insights into the Spanish Inquisition, the iconic Gated Square, Royal Theater, and Sol, the pulsating heart of Madrid.

Additionally, our itinerary features visits to significant sites such as Botin, the world´s oldest restaurant, the birthplace of tapas, intriguing locales like Homes for Nobility, and landmarks like The Bear and the Strawberry Tree and Plaza de la Villa situated within the Gated Square.

Concluding our exploration, we’ll leisurely stroll through the historical center, taking in sights such as Plaza Mayor, the Congress building, the Bellas Artes school, and Roman ruins, providing a comprehensive understanding of Madrid’s rich heritage and cultural significance.

What's Included?

  • Guiding Services
  • Admission Tickets
  • Other: Park of monuments
  • Tour pass
  • House of beasts
  • Garden of memory


DISCLAIMER: The contents exposed during the tours are of common knowledge or else the guide’s own research on the matter. Note that these contents are adapted for the general public.


Tour Duration: 4 hours 30 minutes


Total: $

Tour Details


Food & Wine

Local Experience



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Read More
Pepe Alonso's tour of Madrid was a fascinating journey through the city's literary and historical landmarks. His knowledge of the 'literary neighborhood', including the life of Hemingway and Cervantes' House, was captivating. The tour also covered intriguing aspects of the city center, from the tales of Plaza Mayor to the Royal Palace. Pepe's engaging storytelling brought to life the city's past, from the Spanish Civil War to the Jewish & Moorish Ruins, making for an unforgettable exploration of Madrid.

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